I am currently faceting on tokenized multi-valued field at
http://www.tokenizer.org (25 mlns simple docs)

It uses some home-made quick fixes similar to SOLR-475 (SOLR-711) and
non-synchronized cache (similar to LingPipe's FastCache, SOLR-665, SOLR-667)

Average "faceting" on query results: 0.2 - 0.3 seconds; without those
patches - 20-50 seconds.

I am going to upgrade to SOLR-1.4 from trunk (with SOLR-475 & SOLR-667) and
to compare results...

Avoid faceting on a field with heavy distribution of terms (such as few
millions of terms in my case); It won't work in SOLR 1.3.

TIP: use non-tokenized single-valued field for faceting, such as
non-tokenized "country" field.

Would be nice to load/stress
http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/docs/api/com/aliasi/util/FastCache.html against
putting CPU in a spin loop ConcurrentHashMap.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:ehatc...@apache.org] 
Sent: August-12-09 2:12 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: facet performance tips

Yes, increasing the filterCache size will help with Solr 1.3  

Do note that trunk (soon Solr 1.4) has dramatically improved faceting  


On Aug 12, 2009, at 1:30 PM, Jérôme Etévé wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>  I'm using some faceting on a solr index containing ~ 160K documents.
> I perform facets on multivalued string fields. The number of possible
> different values is quite large.
> Enabling facets degrades the performance by a factor 3.
> Because I'm using solr 1.3, I guess the facetting makes use of the
> filter cache to work. My filterCache is set
> to a size of 2048. I also noticed in my solr stats a very small ratio
> of cache hit (~ 0.01%).
> Can it be the reason why the faceting is slow? Does it make sense to
> increase the filterCache size so it matches more or less the number
> of different possible values for the faceted fields? Would that not
> make the memory usage explode?
> Thanks for your help !
> -- 
> Jerome Eteve.
> Chat with me live at http://www.eteve.net
> jer...@eteve.net

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