I upgraded "master" to 1.4-dev from trunk 3 days ago

BTW such performance broke my "commodity hardware", most probably network
card... can't SSH to check stats; need to check onsite what happened...

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Ingersoll 
Sent: August-13-09 4:20 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Performance Tuning: segment_merge:index_update=5:1 (timing)

BTW, what version of Solr are you on?

On Aug 13, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Fuad Efendi wrote:

> I have 100,000,000 new documents in 24 hours, including possible  
> updates OR
> possibly adding same document several times. I have two segments now  
> (30Gb
> total), and network is overloaded (I use web crawler to generate  
> documents).
> I never had more than 25,000,000 within a month before...
> I read that high mergeFactor improves performance of updates;  
> however, it
> didn't work (it delays all merges... commit/optimize took similar  
> timing).
> High ramBufferSizeMB does the job.
> [Fuad Efendi] >Looks like I temporarily solved the problem with
> not-so-obvious settings:
> [Fuad Efendi] >ramBufferSizeMB=8192
> [Fuad Efendi] >mergeFactor=10
>> Never tried profiling;
>> 3000-5000 docs per second if SOLR is not busy with segment merge;
>> During segment merge 99% CPU, no disk swap; I can't suspect I/O...
>> During document updates (small batches 100-1000 docs) only 5-15% CPU
>> constant rate 5:1 is very suspicious...
>>> In a heavily loaded Write-only Master SOLR, I have 5 minutes of RAM
>>> Buffer
>>> Flash / Segment Merge per 1 minute of (heavy) batch document  
>>> updates.

Grant Ingersoll

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