On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 3:51 AM, Archon810 <archon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am facing scalability issues designing a new Solr cluster and I need to
> master to be able to handle a relatively high rate of updates with almost
> no
> reads - they can be done via slaves.

Is it ok for the new writes to be available at a later time to the

> My existing Solr instance is occupying a huge amount of RAM, in fact it
> started swapping at only 4.5mil docs. I am interested in making the
> footprint as little as possible in RAM, even if it affects search
> performance.
> So, which Solr config values can I tweak in order to accomplish this?

I'm assuming you are using Solr 1.3

It has been reported that a higher ramBufferSizeMB will help speeding up
updates. You may not need to go  as high as mentioned in the thread below:


Since there will be no reads on the master, you can disable caches (no
autowarming is needed). Remove any queries specified on
newSearcher/firstSearcher events. These will reduce the memory requirements.

Commit as late as possible (disable auto commit).

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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