>What could possibly be a use case for such a need?

I would love to see such a feature.

I have a multi core solr setup with each core having utterly 
different content. Each core has its own "custom search app"
that exploits nuances specific to a particular data set. The
fieldnames are chosen as best fits a particular data set.

However I would also like to have one of two general search
features that span all cores. This is a crude, one size fits
all, type of search:-

One core has fields:-
Another has
Another has

I either need to rename all fields within some of the
"custom search apps" to account for the needs of the global
search or perform lots of copyFields, or construct really
nasty queries. 

I currently use the copyFields approach. I think aliases 
would allow for far more efficient indexes and clear code.

Regards Fergus.

>2009/8/18 Licinio Fernández Maurelo <licinio.fernan...@gmail.com>
>> Hello everybody,
>> can i set an alias for a field? Something like :
>> <field name="sourceDate" type="uniqueIdType" indexed="true"
>> stored="true" multiValued="false" termVectors="false"
>> alias="source.date"/>
>> is there any jira issue related?
>> Thx
>> --
>> Lici


Fergus McMenemie               Email:fer...@twig.me.uk
Techmore Ltd                   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets             Analyst Programmer

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