: of the field are correct but the delimiter and payload are stored so they
: appear in the response also.  Here is an example:
: I am thinking maybe I can do this instead when indexing:
: XML for indexing:
: <field name="title" payload="2.0">Solr In Action</field>
: This will simplify indexing as I don't have to repeat the payload for each

but now you're into a custom request handler for the updates to deal with 
the custom XML attribute so you can't use DIH, or CSV loading.

It seems like it might be simpler have two new (generic) UpdateProcessors: 
one that can clone fieldA into fieldB, and one that can do regex mutations 
on fieldB ... neither needs to know about payloads at all, but the first 
can made a copy of "2.0|Solr In Action" and the second can strip off the 
"2.0|" from the copy.

then you can write a new NumericPayloadRegexTokenizer that takes in two 
regex expressions -- one that knows how to extract the payload from a 
piece of input, and one that specifies the tokenization.

those three classes seem easier to implemnt, easier to maintain, and more 
generally reusable then a custom xml request handler for your updates.


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