Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Paul Rosen <>wrote:

I've done a few experiments with searching two cores with the same schema
using the shard syntax. (using solr 1.3)

My use case is that I want to have multiple cores because a few different
people will be managing the indexing, and that will happen at different
times. The data, however, is homogeneous.

Multiple cores were not built for distributed search. It is inefficient as
compared to a single index. But if you want to use them that way, that's
your choice.

Well, I'm experimenting with them because it will simplify index maintenance greatly. I am beginning to think that it won't work in my case, though.

I've noticed in my tests that the results are not interwoven, but it might
just be my test data. In other words, all the results from one core appear,
then all the results from the other core.

In thinking about it, it would make sense if the relevancy scores for each
core were completely independent of each other. And that would mean that
there is no way to compare the relevancy scores between the cores.

In other words, I'd like the following results:

- really relevant hit from core0
- pretty relevant hit from core1
- kind of relevant hit from core0
- not so relevant hit from core1

but I get:

- really relevant hit from core0
- kind of relevant hit from core0
- pretty relevant hit from core1
- not so relevant hit from core1

So, are the results supposed to be interwoven, and I need to study my data
more, or is this just not something that is possible?

The only difference wrt relevancy between a distributed search and a
single-node search is that there is no distributed IDF and therefore a
distributed search assumes a random distribution of terms among shards. I'm
not sure if that is what you are seeing.

Also, if this is insurmountable, I've discovered two show stoppers that
will prevent using multicore in my project (counting the lack of support for
faceting in multicore). Are these issues addressed in solr 1.4?

Can you give more details on what these two issues are?

The first issue is detailed above, where the results from a search over two shards don't appear to be returned in relevancy order.

The second issue was detailed in an email last week "shards and facet count". The facet information is lost when doing a search over two shards, so if I use multicore, I can no longer have facets.

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