It depends on several things:1) The query handler that you are using
2) The fields that you are searching on and default fields specified

For the default handler, it will issue a query for the default field and
return results accordingly. To see what is going on  pass the
&debugQuery=true to the end of the URL to see detailed output. If you are
using the DisMaxHandler (DisJoint Max) then you will have a qf, pf and bf
(query fields, phrase fields, boosting function). I would start looking at

<>- Amit

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:25 AM, bhaskar chandrasekar <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> When i give a input string for search in Solr , it displays me the
> corresponding results for the given input string.
> How the results are ranked and displayed.On what basis the search results
> are displayed.
> Is there any algorithm followed for displaying the results with first
> result and so on.
> Regards
> Bhaskar

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