Do you have your GC logs? Are you still seeing major collections?

Where is the time spent?

Hard to say without some of that info.

The goal of the low pause collector is to finish collecting before the
tenured space is filled - if it doesn't, a standard major collection occurs.

The collector will use recent stats it records to try and pick a good
time to start - as a fail safe though, it will trigger no matter what at
a certain percentage. With Java 1.5, it was 68% full that it triggered.
With 1.6, its 92%.

If your still getting major collections, you might want to see if
lowering that helps (-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=<N>). If not,
you might be near optimal settings.

There is likely not anything else you should mess with - unless using
the extra thread to collect while your app is running affects your apps
performance - in that case you might want to look into turning on the
incremental mode. But you havn't mentioned that, so I doubt it.

- Mark

Jonathan Ariel wrote:
> Ok... good news! Upgrading to the newest version of JVM 6 (update 6) seems
> to solve this ugly bug. With the upgraded JVM I could run the solr servers
> for more than 12 hours on the production environment with the GC mentioned
> in the previous e-mails. The results are really amazing. The time spent on
> collecting memory dropped from 11% to 3.81%Do you think there is more to
> tune there?
> Thanks!
> Jonathan
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Bill Au <> wrote:
>> You are running a very old version of Java 6 (update 6).  The latest is
>> update 16.  You should definitely upgrade.  There is a bug in Java 6
>> starting with update 4 that may result in a corrupted Lucene/Solr index:
>> The JVM crash occurred in the gc thread.  So it looks like a bug in the JVM
>> itself.  Upgrading to the latest release might help.  Switching to a
>> different garbage collector should help.
>> Bill
>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Mark Miller <>
>> wrote:
>>> Jonathan Ariel wrote:
>>>> Ok. After the server ran for more than 12 hours, the time spent on GC
>>>> decreased from 11% to 3,4%, but 5 hours later it crashed. This is the
>>> thread
>>>> dump, maybe you can help identify what happened?
>>> Well thats a tough ;) My guess is its a bug :)
>>> Your two survivor spaces are filled, so it was likely about to move
>>> objects into the tenured space, which still has plenty of room for them
>>> (barring horrible fragmentation). Any issues with that type of thing
>>> should generate an OOM anyway though. You can find people that have run
>>> into similar issues in the past, but a lot of times unreproducible.
>>> Usually, their bugs are closed and they are told to try a newer JVM.
>>> Your JVM appears to be quite a few versions back. There have been many
>>> garbage collection bugs fixed in the 7 or so updates since your version,
>>> a good handful of them related to CMS.
>>> If you can, my best suggestion at the moment is to upgrade to the latest
>>> and see how that fairs.
>>> If not, you might see if going back to the throughput collector and
>>> turning on the parallel tenured space collector might meet your needs
>>> instead. You can work with other params to get that going better if you
>>> have to as well.
>>> Also, adjusting other settings with the low pause collector might
>>> trigger something to side step the bug. Not a great option there though
>> ;)
>>> How many unique fields are you sorting/faceting on? It must be a lot if
>>> you need 10 gig for 8 million documents. Its kind of rough to have to
>>> work at such a close limit to your total heap available as a min mem
>>> requirement.
>>> --
>>> - Mark
>>>> #
>>>> # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
>>>> #
>>>> #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002b4e0f69ea2a, pid=32224, tid=1103812928
>>>> #
>>>> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b22 mixed mode
>>>> linux-amd64)
>>>> # Problematic frame:
>>>> # V  []
>>>> #
>>>> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
>>>> #
>>>> #
>>>> ---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------
>>>> Current thread (0x000000005be47400):  VMThread [stack:
>>>> 0x0000000041bad000,0x0000000041cae000] [id=32249]
>>>> siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=128 (),
>>>> si_addr=0x0000000000000000
>>>> Registers:
>>>> RAX=0x00002aac929b4c70, RBX=0x0037c985003a095e, RCX=0x0000000000000006,
>>>> RDX=0x005c49870037c996
>>>> RSP=0x0000000041cac550, RBP=0x0000000041cac550, RSI=0x00002aac929b4c70,
>>>> RDI=0x0037c985003a095e
>>>> R8 =0x00002aadab201538, R9 =0x0000000000000005, R10=0x0000000000000001,
>>>> R11=0x0000000000000010
>>>> R12=0x00002aac929b4c70, R13=0x00002aac9289cf58, R14=0x00002aac9289cf40,
>>>> R15=0x00002aadab2015ac
>>>> RIP=0x00002b4e0f69ea2a, EFL=0x0000000000010206,
>>> CSGSFS=0x0000000000000033,
>>>> ERR=0x0000000000000000
>>>>   TRAPNO=0x000000000000000d
>>>> Top of Stack: (sp=0x0000000041cac550)
>>>> 0x0000000041cac550:   0000000041cac580 00002b4e0f903c5b
>>>> 0x0000000041cac560:   0000000041cac590 0000000000000003
>>>> 0x0000000041cac570:   00002aac9289cf50 00002aadab2015a8
>>>> 0x0000000041cac580:   0000000041cac5c0 00002b4e0f72e388
>>>> 0x0000000041cac590:   0000000041cac5c0 00002aac9289cf40
>>>> 0x0000000041cac5a0:   0000000000000005 00002b4e0fc86330
>>>> 0x0000000041cac5b0:   0000000000000000 00002b4e0fd8c740
>>>> 0x0000000041cac5c0:   0000000041cac5f0 00002b4e0f903b7f
>>>> 0x0000000041cac5d0:   0000000041cac610 0000000000000003
>>>> 0x0000000041cac5e0:   00002aaccb1750f8 00002aaccea41570
>>>> 0x0000000041cac5f0:   0000000041cac610 00002b4e0f931548
>>>> 0x0000000041cac600:   00002b4e0fc861d8 00002aadd4052ab0
>>>> 0x0000000041cac610:   0000000041cac640 00002b4e0f903d1a
>>>> 0x0000000041cac620:   0000000041cac650 0000000000000003
>>>> 0x0000000041cac630:   000000005bc7d6d0 00002b4e0fd8c740
>>>> 0x0000000041cac640:   0000000041cac650 00002b4e0f90411c
>>>> 0x0000000041cac650:   0000000041cac680 00002b4e0fa1d16e
>>>> 0x0000000041cac660:   0000000000000000 000000005bc7d6d0
>>>> 0x0000000041cac670:   0000000000000002 00002b4e0fd8c740
>>>> 0x0000000041cac680:   0000000041cac6c0 00002b4e0fa74640
>>>> 0x0000000041cac690:   0000000041cac6b0 000000005bc7d6d0
>>>> 0x0000000041cac6a0:   0000000000000002 00002b4e0fd8c740
>>>> 0x0000000041cac6b0:   0000000000000001 00002b4e0fd8c740
>>>> 0x0000000041cac6c0:   0000000041cac700 00002b4e0f9a52da
>>>> 0x0000000041cac6d0:   000000000000bfc0 0000000000000000
>>>> 0x0000000041cac6e0:   00002b4e0fd8c740 000000005bc7d6d0
>>>> 0x0000000041cac6f0:   00002b4e0fd8c740 0000000000000001
>>>> 0x0000000041cac700:   0000000041cac750 00002b4e0f6feb80
>>>> 0x0000000041cac710:   449dae1d9ae42358 3ff0cccccccccccd
>>>> 0x0000000041cac720:   00002aad289aa680 0000000000000001
>>>> 0x0000000041cac730:   0000000000000000 0000000041cac780
>>>> 0x0000000041cac740:   0000000000000001 000000005bc7d6d0
>>>> Instructions: (pc=0x00002b4e0f69ea2a)
>>>> 0x00002b4e0f69ea1a:   89 e5 48 83 f9 05 74 38 48 8b 56 08 48 83 c2 10
>>>> 0x00002b4e0f69ea2a:   48 8b b2 a0 00 00 00 ba 01 00 00 00 83 e6 07 48
>>>> Stack: [0x0000000041bad000,0x0000000041cae000],  sp=0x0000000041cac550,
>>>>  free space=1021k
>>>> Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code,
>> C=native
>>>> code)
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> V  []
>>>> VM_Operation (0x000000004076bd20): GenCollectForAllocation, mode:
>>> safepoint,
>>>> requested by thread 0x000000005c42d800
>>>> ---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------
>>>> Java Threads: ( => current thread )
>>>>   0x000000005c466400 JavaThread "btpool0-502" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4508,
>>>> stack(0x0000000046332000,0x0000000046433000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c2a2400 JavaThread "btpool0-501" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4507,
>>>> stack(0x00000000428f8000,0x00000000429f9000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c0fec00 JavaThread "btpool0-500" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4506,
>>>> stack(0x0000000043e0d000,0x0000000043f0e000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c2ce400 JavaThread "btpool0-498" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4504,
>>>> stack(0x0000000042dfd000,0x0000000042efe000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be69000 JavaThread "btpool0-497" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4503,
>>>> stack(0x0000000045f2e000,0x000000004602f000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c30e000 JavaThread "btpool0-496" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4251,
>>>> stack(0x0000000044e1d000,0x0000000044f1e000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c0ff800 JavaThread "btpool0-495" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4250,
>>>> stack(0x0000000043706000,0x0000000043807000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c752c00 JavaThread "btpool0-494" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=4249,
>>>> stack(0x0000000045d2c000,0x0000000045e2d000)]
>>>>   0x000000005bf31400 JavaThread "btpool0-493" [_thread_in_native,
>>> id=4248,
>>>> stack(0x0000000042cfc000,0x0000000042dfd000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c47e000 JavaThread "btpool0-485" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=3426,
>>>> stack(0x000000004501f000,0x0000000045120000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c35d000 JavaThread "btpool0-484" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=2669,
>>>> stack(0x000000004086f000,0x0000000040970000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c583800 JavaThread "btpool0-468" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=1954,
>>>> stack(0x0000000043d0c000,0x0000000043e0d000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c35ec00 JavaThread "btpool0-448" [_thread_in_native,
>>> id=32527,
>>>> stack(0x0000000045423000,0x0000000045524000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c2fd000 JavaThread "btpool0-437" [_thread_blocked,
>> id=30735,
>>>> stack(0x0000000046433000,0x0000000046534000)]
>>>>   0x000000005bc77c00 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked,
>>> id=32230,
>>>> stack(0x00000000404b8000,0x00000000405b9000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c42d800 JavaThread "pool-1-thread-1" [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=32272, stack(0x000000004066d000,0x000000004076e000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c1e9400 JavaThread "Timer-1" [_thread_blocked, id=32271,
>>>> stack(0x0000000040da5000,0x0000000040ea6000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c0b2c00 JavaThread "btpool0-9 - Acceptor0 SocketConnector
>> @
>>>>" [_thread_in_native, id=32268,
>>>> stack(0x0000000043201000,0x0000000043302000)]
>>>>   0x000000005c176800 JavaThread "Timer-0" [_thread_blocked, id=32258,
>>>> stack(0x00000000427f7000,0x00000000428f8000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be81800 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=32256,
>> stack(0x00000000425f5000,0x00000000426f6000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be7fc00 JavaThread "CompilerThread1" daemon
>>> [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=32255, stack(0x00000000416f3000,0x00000000417f4000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be7c400 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon
>>> [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=32254, stack(0x00000000415f2000,0x00000000416f3000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be7ac00 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon
>>> [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=32253, stack(0x00000000414f1000,0x00000000415f2000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be79400 JavaThread "Surrogate Locker Thread (CMS)" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=32252,
>> stack(0x000000004025d000,0x000000004035e000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be4dc00 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=32251, stack(0x00000000424f4000,0x00000000425f5000)]
>>>>   0x000000005be4c800 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon
>>> [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=32250, stack(0x00000000423f3000,0x00000000424f4000)]
>>>> Other Threads:
>>>> =>0x000000005be47400 VMThread [stack:
>>> 0x0000000041bad000,0x0000000041cae000]
>>>> [id=32249]
>>>>   0x000000005be83800 WatcherThread [stack:
>>>> 0x00000000426f6000,0x00000000427f7000] [id=32257]
>>>> VM state:at safepoint (normal execution)
>>>> VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread:  ([mutex/lock_event])
>>>> [0x000000005bc75420/0x000000005bc75470] Threads_lock - owner thread:
>>>> 0x000000005be47400
>>>> [0x000000005bc75c90/0x000000005bc75cc0] Heap_lock - owner thread:
>>>> 0x000000005c42d800
>>>> Heap
>>>>  par new generation   total 153344K, used 88065K [0x00002aaaae1f0000,
>>>> 0x00002aaab8850000, 0x00002aaab8850000)
>>>>   eden space 136320K,  52% used [0x00002aaaae1f0000,
>> 0x00002aaab2750590,
>>>> 0x00002aaab6710000)
>>>>   from space 17024K, 100% used [0x00002aaab77b0000, 0x00002aaab8850000,
>>>> 0x00002aaab8850000)
>>>>   to   space 17024K,  99% used [0x00002aaab6710000, 0x00002aaab77afb00,
>>>> 0x00002aaab77b0000)
>>>>  concurrent mark-sweep generation total 12363392K, used 10670634K
>>>> [0x00002aaab8850000, 0x00002aadab1f0000, 0x00002aadab1f0000)
>>>>  concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 35344K, used 21182K
>>>> [0x00002aadab1f0000, 0x00002aadad474000, 0x00002aadb05f0000)
>>>> Dynamic libraries:
>>>> 40000000-40009000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12505572
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/bin/java
>>>> 40108000-4010a000 rwxp 00008000 08:05 12505572
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/bin/java
>>>> 4015c000-4015d000 ---p 4015c000 00:00 0
>>>> 4015d000-4025d000 rwxp 4015d000 00:00 0
>>>> 4025d000-40260000 ---p 4025d000 00:00 0
>>>> 40260000-4035e000 rwxp 40260000 00:00 0
>>>> 4035e000-40361000 rwxp 4035e000 00:00 0
>>>> 40361000-4045f000 rwxp 40361000 00:00 0
>>>> 404b8000-404bb000 ---p 404b8000 00:00 0
>>>> 404bb000-405b9000 rwxp 404bb000 00:00 0
>>>> 4066d000-40670000 ---p 4066d000 00:00 0
>>>> 40670000-4076e000 rwxp 40670000 00:00 0
>>>> 4076e000-40771000 rwxp 4076e000 00:00 0
>>>> 40771000-4086f000 rwxp 40771000 00:00 0
>>>> 4086f000-40872000 ---p 4086f000 00:00 0
>>>> 40872000-40970000 rwxp 40872000 00:00 0
>>>> 40da5000-40da8000 ---p 40da5000 00:00 0
>>>> 40da8000-40ea6000 rwxp 40da8000 00:00 0
>>>> 40ea6000-40ea9000 rwxp 40ea6000 00:00 0
>>>> 40ea9000-40fa7000 rwxp 40ea9000 00:00 0
>>>> 40fec000-40fed000 ---p 40fec000 00:00 0
>>>> 40fed000-410ed000 rwxp 40fed000 00:00 0
>>>> 410ed000-410ee000 ---p 410ed000 00:00 0
>>>> 410ee000-411ee000 rwxp 410ee000 00:00 0
>>>> 411ee000-411ef000 ---p 411ee000 00:00 0
>>>> 411ef000-412ef000 rwxp 411ef000 00:00 0
>>>> 412ef000-412f0000 ---p 412ef000 00:00 0
>>>> 412f0000-413f0000 rwxp 412f0000 00:00 0
>>>> 413f0000-413f1000 ---p 413f0000 00:00 0
>>>> 413f1000-414f1000 rwxp 413f1000 00:00 0
>>>> 414f1000-414f4000 ---p 414f1000 00:00 0
>>>> 414f4000-415f2000 rwxp 414f4000 00:00 0
>>>> 415f2000-415f5000 ---p 415f2000 00:00 0
>>>> 415f5000-416f3000 rwxp 415f5000 00:00 0
>>>> 416f3000-416f6000 ---p 416f3000 00:00 0
>>>> 416f6000-417f4000 rwxp 416f6000 00:00 0
>>>> 418f5000-418f8000 rwxp 418f5000 00:00 0
>>>> 418f8000-419f6000 rwxp 418f8000 00:00 0
>>>> 41bad000-41bae000 ---p 41bad000 00:00 0
>>>> 41bae000-41cae000 rwxp 41bae000 00:00 0
>>>> 41daf000-41db2000 rwxp 41daf000 00:00 0
>>>> 41db2000-41eb0000 rwxp 41db2000 00:00 0
>>>> 41eee000-41eef000 ---p 41eee000 00:00 0
>>>> 41eef000-41fef000 rwxp 41eef000 00:00 0
>>>> 41fef000-41ff0000 ---p 41fef000 00:00 0
>>>> 41ff0000-420f0000 rwxp 41ff0000 00:00 0
>>>> 420f0000-420f1000 ---p 420f0000 00:00 0
>>>> 420f1000-421f1000 rwxp 420f1000 00:00 0
>>>> 421f1000-421f2000 ---p 421f1000 00:00 0
>>>> 421f2000-422f2000 rwxp 421f2000 00:00 0
>>>> 422f2000-422f3000 ---p 422f2000 00:00 0
>>>> 422f3000-423f3000 rwxp 422f3000 00:00 0
>>>> 423f3000-423f6000 ---p 423f3000 00:00 0
>>>> 423f6000-424f4000 rwxp 423f6000 00:00 0
>>>> 424f4000-424f7000 ---p 424f4000 00:00 0
>>>> 424f7000-425f5000 rwxp 424f7000 00:00 0
>>>> 425f5000-425f8000 ---p 425f5000 00:00 0
>>>> 425f8000-426f6000 rwxp 425f8000 00:00 0
>>>> 426f6000-426f7000 ---p 426f6000 00:00 0
>>>> 426f7000-427f7000 rwxp 426f7000 00:00 0
>>>> 427f7000-427fa000 ---p 427f7000 00:00 0
>>>> 427fa000-428f8000 rwxp 427fa000 00:00 0
>>>> 428f8000-428fb000 ---p 428f8000 00:00 0
>>>> 428fb000-429f9000 rwxp 428fb000 00:00 0
>>>> 42afa000-42afd000 rwxp 42afa000 00:00 0
>>>> 42afd000-42bfb000 rwxp 42afd000 00:00 0
>>>> 42bfb000-42bfe000 rwxp 42bfb000 00:00 0
>>>> 42bfe000-42cfc000 rwxp 42bfe000 00:00 0
>>>> 42cfc000-42cff000 ---p 42cfc000 00:00 0
>>>> 42cff000-42dfd000 rwxp 42cff000 00:00 0
>>>> 42dfd000-42e00000 ---p 42dfd000 00:00 0
>>>> 42e00000-42efe000 rwxp 42e00000 00:00 0
>>>> 42fff000-43002000 rwxp 42fff000 00:00 0
>>>> 43002000-43100000 rwxp 43002000 00:00 0
>>>> 43100000-43103000 rwxp 43100000 00:00 0
>>>> 43103000-43201000 rwxp 43103000 00:00 0
>>>> 43201000-43204000 ---p 43201000 00:00 0
>>>> 43204000-43302000 rwxp 43204000 00:00 0
>>>> 43302000-43305000 rwxp 43302000 00:00 0
>>>> 43305000-43403000 rwxp 43305000 00:00 0
>>>> 43706000-43709000 ---p 43706000 00:00 0
>>>> 43709000-43807000 rwxp 43709000 00:00 0
>>>> 43807000-4380a000 rwxp 43807000 00:00 0
>>>> 4380a000-43908000 rwxp 4380a000 00:00 0
>>>> 43908000-4390b000 rwxp 43908000 00:00 0
>>>> 4390b000-43a09000 rwxp 4390b000 00:00 0
>>>> 43a09000-43a0c000 rwxp 43a09000 00:00 0
>>>> 43a0c000-43b0a000 rwxp 43a0c000 00:00 0
>>>> 43b0a000-43b0d000 rwxp 43b0a000 00:00 0
>>>> 43b0d000-43c0b000 rwxp 43b0d000 00:00 0
>>>> 43c0b000-43c0e000 rwxp 43c0b000 00:00 0
>>>> 43c0e000-43d0c000 rwxp 43c0e000 00:00 0
>>>> 43d0c000-43d0f000 ---p 43d0c000 00:00 0
>>>> 43d0f000-43e0d000 rwxp 43d0f000 00:00 0
>>>> 43e0d000-43e10000 ---p 43e0d000 00:00 0
>>>> 43e10000-43f0e000 rwxp 43e10000 00:00 0
>>>> 43f0e000-43f11000 rwxp 43f0e000 00:00 0
>>>> 43f11000-4400f000 rwxp 43f11000 00:00 0
>>>> 4400f000-44012000 rwxp 4400f000 00:00 0
>>>> 44012000-44110000 rwxp 44012000 00:00 0
>>>> 44312000-44315000 rwxp 44312000 00:00 0
>>>> 44315000-44413000 rwxp 44315000 00:00 0
>>>> 44413000-44416000 rwxp 44413000 00:00 0
>>>> 44416000-44514000 rwxp 44416000 00:00 0
>>>> 44514000-44517000 rwxp 44514000 00:00 0
>>>> 44517000-44615000 rwxp 44517000 00:00 0
>>>> 44615000-44618000 rwxp 44615000 00:00 0
>>>> 44618000-44716000 rwxp 44618000 00:00 0
>>>> 44716000-44719000 rwxp 44716000 00:00 0
>>>> 44719000-44817000 rwxp 44719000 00:00 0
>>>> 44817000-4481a000 rwxp 44817000 00:00 0
>>>> 4481a000-44918000 rwxp 4481a000 00:00 0
>>>> 44a19000-44a1c000 rwxp 44a19000 00:00 0
>>>> 44a1c000-44b1a000 rwxp 44a1c000 00:00 0
>>>> 44e1d000-44e20000 ---p 44e1d000 00:00 0
>>>> 44e20000-44f1e000 rwxp 44e20000 00:00 0
>>>> 4501f000-45022000 ---p 4501f000 00:00 0
>>>> 45022000-45120000 rwxp 45022000 00:00 0
>>>> 45120000-45123000 rwxp 45120000 00:00 0
>>>> 45123000-45221000 rwxp 45123000 00:00 0
>>>> 45322000-45325000 rwxp 45322000 00:00 0
>>>> 45325000-45423000 rwxp 45325000 00:00 0
>>>> 45423000-45426000 ---p 45423000 00:00 0
>>>> 45426000-45524000 rwxp 45426000 00:00 0
>>>> 45524000-45527000 rwxp 45524000 00:00 0
>>>> 45527000-45625000 rwxp 45527000 00:00 0
>>>> 45625000-45628000 rwxp 45625000 00:00 0
>>>> 45628000-45726000 rwxp 45628000 00:00 0
>>>> 45726000-45729000 rwxp 45726000 00:00 0
>>>> 45729000-45827000 rwxp 45729000 00:00 0
>>>> 45928000-4592b000 rwxp 45928000 00:00 0
>>>> 4592b000-45a29000 rwxp 4592b000 00:00 0
>>>> 45a29000-45a2c000 rwxp 45a29000 00:00 0
>>>> 45a2c000-45b2a000 rwxp 45a2c000 00:00 0
>>>> 45b2a000-45b2d000 rwxp 45b2a000 00:00 0
>>>> 45b2d000-45c2b000 rwxp 45b2d000 00:00 0
>>>> 45d2c000-45d2f000 ---p 45d2c000 00:00 0
>>>> 45d2f000-45e2d000 rwxp 45d2f000 00:00 0
>>>> 45f2e000-45f31000 ---p 45f2e000 00:00 0
>>>> 45f31000-4602f000 rwxp 45f31000 00:00 0
>>>> 46332000-46335000 ---p 46332000 00:00 0
>>>> 46335000-46433000 rwxp 46335000 00:00 0
>>>> 46433000-46436000 ---p 46433000 00:00 0
>>>> 46436000-46534000 rwxp 46436000 00:00 0
>>>> 46534000-46537000 rwxp 46534000 00:00 0
>>>> 46537000-46635000 rwxp 46537000 00:00 0
>>>> 46635000-46638000 rwxp 46635000 00:00 0
>>>> 46638000-46736000 rwxp 46638000 00:00 0
>>>> 5bc70000-5d61a000 rwxp 5bc70000 00:00 0
>>>>  [heap]
>>>> 3b32800000-3b3281c000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948691
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32a1b000-3b32a1c000 r-xp 0001b000 08:05 11948691
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32a1c000-3b32a1d000 rwxp 0001c000 08:05 11948691
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32c00000-3b32d4c000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948841
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32d4c000-3b32f4c000 ---p 0014c000 08:05 11948841
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32f4c000-3b32f50000 r-xp 0014c000 08:05 11948841
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32f50000-3b32f51000 rwxp 00150000 08:05 11948841
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b32f51000-3b32f56000 rwxp 3b32f51000 00:00 0
>>>> 3b33000000-3b33002000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948843
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33002000-3b33202000 ---p 00002000 08:05 11948843
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33202000-3b33203000 r-xp 00002000 08:05 11948843
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33203000-3b33204000 rwxp 00003000 08:05 11948843
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33c00000-3b33c16000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948927
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33c16000-3b33e15000 ---p 00016000 08:05 11948927
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33e15000-3b33e16000 r-xp 00015000 08:05 11948927
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33e16000-3b33e17000 rwxp 00016000 08:05 11948927
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b33e17000-3b33e1b000 rwxp 3b33e17000 00:00 0
>>>> 3b34000000-3b34082000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948934
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34082000-3b34281000 ---p 00082000 08:05 11948934
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34281000-3b34282000 r-xp 00081000 08:05 11948934
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34282000-3b34283000 rwxp 00082000 08:05 11948934
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34400000-3b34407000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948928
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34407000-3b34607000 ---p 00007000 08:05 11948928
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34607000-3b34608000 r-xp 00007000 08:05 11948928
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b34608000-3b34609000 rwxp 00008000 08:05 11948928
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b35400000-3b35415000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948806
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b35415000-3b35614000 ---p 00015000 08:05 11948806
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b35614000-3b35615000 r-xp 00014000 08:05 11948806
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b35615000-3b35616000 rwxp 00015000 08:05 11948806
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 3b35616000-3b35618000 rwxp 3b35616000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaaaaad000-2aaaaaaaf000 r-xs 00003000 08:05 8675780
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/start.jar
>>>> 2aaaaaaaf000-2aaaaaab5000 r--s 00045000 08:02 393249
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
>>>> 2aaaaaab8000-2aaaaaab9000 ---p 2aaaaaab8000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaaaab9000-2aaaaaaba000 rwxp 2aaaaaab9000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaaaaba000-2aaaaaac1000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506743
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads/
>>>> 2aaaaaac1000-2aaaaabc2000 ---p 00007000 08:05 12506743
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads/
>>>> 2aaaaabc2000-2aaaaabc4000 rwxp 00008000 08:05 12506743
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads/
>>>> 2aaaaabc4000-2aaaaabc5000 rwxp 2aaaaabc4000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaaabc5000-2aaaaabcd000 rw-s 00000000 08:02 163842
>>>> /tmp/hsperfdata_root/32224
>>>> 2aaaaabce000-2aaaaabd8000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 11948665
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 2aaaaabd8000-2aaaaadd7000 ---p 0000a000 08:05 11948665
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 2aaaaadd7000-2aaaaadd8000 r-xp 00009000 08:05 11948665
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 2aaaaadd8000-2aaaaadd9000 rwxp 0000a000 08:05 11948665
>>>> /lib64/
>>>> 2aaaaadd9000-2aaaaade6000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506738
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaaade6000-2aaaaaee5000 ---p 0000d000 08:05 12506738
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaaaee5000-2aaaaaee8000 rwxp 0000c000 08:05 12506738
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaaaee8000-2aaaaaf10000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506719
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaaaf10000-2aaaab010000 ---p 00028000 08:05 12506719
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaab010000-2aaaab017000 rwxp 00028000 08:05 12506719
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaab017000-2aaaab025000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506739
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaab025000-2aaaab127000 ---p 0000e000 08:05 12506739
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaab127000-2aaaab12a000 rwxp 00010000 08:05 12506739
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aaaab12a000-2aaaab68b000 rwxp 2aaaab12a000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaab68b000-2aaaae12b000 rwxp 2aaaab68b000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaae12b000-2aaaae141000 rwxp 2aaaae12b000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaae141000-2aaaae1eb000 rwxp 2aaaae141000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaaae1f0000-2aaab8850000 rwxp 2aaaae1f0000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aaab8850000-2aadab1f0000 rwxp 2aaab8850000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadab1f0000-2aadad474000 rwxp 2aadab1f0000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadad474000-2aadb05f0000 rwxp 2aadad474000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb05f0000-2aadb0644000 rwxp 2aadb05f0000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb0644000-2aadb1dd8000 rwxp 2aadb0644000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb1dd8000-2aadb1dea000 rwxp 2aadb1dd8000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb1dea000-2aadb1e02000 rwxp 2aadb1dea000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb1e02000-2aadb36a0000 rwxp 2aadb1e02000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb36a0000-2aadb36b2000 rwxp 2aadb36a0000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb36b2000-2aadb36cb000 rwxp 2aadb36b2000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadb36cb000-2aadbf7ba000 rwxp 2aadb36cb000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadbf7fa000-2aadc014c000 rwxp 2aadbf7fa000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadc014c000-2aadc02d7000 r-xs 02df0000 08:05 12506783
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/rt.jar
>>>> 2aadc02d7000-2aadc0309000 rwxp 2aadc02d7000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadc0309000-2aadc38d6000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12116537
>>>> /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
>>>> 2aadc38d6000-2aadc38d9000 r-xs 0001d000 08:05 8675779
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/jetty-util-6.1.3.jar
>>>> 2aadc38d9000-2aadc38df000 r-xs 0006e000 08:05 8675772
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/jetty-6.1.3.jar
>>>> 2aadc38df000-2aadc38e2000 r-xs 0001e000 08:05 8675778
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/servlet-api-2.5-6.1.3.jar
>>>> 2aadc38e2000-2aadc38f1000 r-xs 000ee000 08:05 8675774
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/jsp-2.1/ant-1.6.5.jar
>>>> 2aadc38f1000-2aadc38fa000 r-xs 00093000 08:05 8675777
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/jsp-2.1/jsp-2.1.jar
>>>> 2aadc38fa000-2aadc391d000 r-xs 00344000 08:05 8675776
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/jsp-2.1/core-3.1.1.jar
>>>> 2aadc391d000-2aadc3928000 r-xs 00073000 08:05 8675775
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/lib/jsp-2.1/jsp-api-2.1.jar
>>>> 2aadc3928000-2aadc392f000 r--s 00079000 08:02 393246
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/wstx-asl-3.2.7.jar
>>>> 2aadc392f000-2aadc3931000 r--s 00004000 08:02 393223
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.0-SNAPSHOT-r609327.jar
>>>> 2aadc3931000-2aadc3933000 r--s 0000c000 08:02 393233
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-memory-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc3933000-2aadc3935000 r--s 00008000 08:02 393250
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
>>>> 2aadc3935000-2aadc3938000 r--s 00014000 08:02 393232
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-highlighter-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc3938000-2aadc393a000 r--s 0001a000 08:02 393235
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-snowball-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc393a000-2aadc3942000 r--s 00035000 08:02 393229
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/junit-4.3.jar
>>>> 2aadc3942000-2aadc394a000 r--s 0004b000 08:02 393227
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math-1.2.jar
>>>> 2aadc394a000-2aadc395a000 r--s 000d3000 08:02 393248
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/apache-solr-core-1.3.0.jar
>>>> 2aadc395a000-2aadc3968000 r--s 000b9000 08:02 393231
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-core-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc3968000-2aadc396a000 r--s 00014000 08:02 393247
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/apache-solr-common-1.3.0.jar
>>>> 2aadc396a000-2aadc396d000 r--s 0001f000 08:02 393230
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc396d000-2aadc396f000 r--s 0000b000 08:02 393224
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.jar
>>>> 2aadc396f000-2aadc3973000 r--s 0003c000 08:02 393226
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar
>>>> 2aadc3973000-2aadc398b000 r--s 00162000 08:02 393285
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/apache-solr-dataimporthandler-1.3.0.jar
>>>> 2aadc398b000-2aadc398e000 r--s 0001d000 08:02 393245
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/stax-utils.jar
>>>> 2aadc398e000-2aadc3991000 r--s 00012000 08:02 393225
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-1.3.1.jar
>>>> 2aadc3991000-2aadc3993000 r--s 00007000 08:02 393234
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-queries-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc3993000-2aadc3995000 r--s 00006000 08:02 393228
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar
>>>> 2aadc3995000-2aadc3996000 r--s 00004000 08:02 393236
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-spellchecker-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc3996000-2aadc3998000 r--s 0000a000 08:02 393222
>> /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar
>>>> 2aadc3998000-2aadc39ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506731
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aadc39ab000-2aadc3aac000 ---p 00013000 08:05 12506731
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aadc3aac000-2aadc3aaf000 rwxp 00014000 08:05 12506731
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aadc3aaf000-2aadc3ab6000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506732
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aadc3ab6000-2aadc3bb5000 ---p 00007000 08:05 12506732
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aadc3bb5000-2aadc3bb7000 rwxp 00006000 08:05 12506732
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/
>>>> 2aadc3bb7000-2aadc3bbb000 r-xs 000ca000 08:05 12538411
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar
>>>> 2aadc3bbb000-2aadc3bc2000 r-xs 00110000 08:05 12506779
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/resources.jar
>>>> 2aadc3bc2000-2aadc3bc3000 r-xs 00007000 08:05 8675819
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/solr/lib/lucene-queries-2.4-dev.jar
>>>> 2aadc3bc3000-2aadc3bc4000 r-xs 00005000 08:05 8675818
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/solr/lib/RelatedItemsRequestHandler.jar
>>>> 2aadc3bc4000-2aadc3bc5000 r-xs 00002000 08:05 8675817
>>>>  /opt/solr-1.3/olx/solr/lib/OlxHTMLWhiteSpaceTokenizerFactory.jar
>>>> 2aadc4000000-2aadc5ce6000 rwxp 2aadc4000000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadc5ce6000-2aadc8000000 ---p 2aadc5ce6000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadc8000000-2aadc9cf8000 rwxp 2aadc8000000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadc9cf8000-2aadcc000000 ---p 2aadc9cf8000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadcc000000-2aadcc061000 rwxp 2aadcc000000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadcc061000-2aadd0000000 ---p 2aadcc061000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadd1c00000-2aadd3c00000 rwxp 2aadd1c00000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadd4000000-2aadd7f59000 rwxp 2aadd4000000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadd7f59000-2aadd8000000 ---p 2aadd7f59000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadd8000000-2aadd88b9000 rwxp 2aadd8000000 00:00 0
>>>> 2aadd88b9000-2aaddc000000 ---p 2aadd88b9000 00:00 0
>>>> 2b4e0f322000-2b4e0f323000 rwxp 2b4e0f322000 00:00 0
>>>> 2b4e0f32c000-2b4e0f32d000 rwxp 2b4e0f32c000 00:00 0
>>>> 2b4e0f32d000-2b4e0f334000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506703
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
>>>> 2b4e0f334000-2b4e0f435000 ---p 00007000 08:05 12506703
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
>>>> 2b4e0f435000-2b4e0f437000 rwxp 00008000 08:05 12506703
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
>>>> 2b4e0f437000-2b4e0f439000 rwxp 2b4e0f437000 00:00 0
>>>> 2b4e0f439000-2b4e0fb2e000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 12506747
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/server/
>>>> 2b4e0fb2e000-2b4e0fc2d000 ---p 006f5000 08:05 12506747
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/server/
>>>> 2b4e0fc2d000-2b4e0fd77000 rwxp 006f4000 08:05 12506747
>>>> /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/server/
>>>> 2b4e0fd77000-2b4e0fdb4000 rwxp 2b4e0fd77000 00:00 0
>>>> 7fffe6a79000-7fffe6aae000 rwxp 7ffffffca000 00:00 0
>>>>  [stack]
>>>> ffffffffff600000-ffffffffffe00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
>>>>  [vdso]
>>>> VM Arguments:
>>>> jvm_args: -Xmx12240m
>>>> -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/solr/olx/solr/conf/logging.conf
>>>> -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime
>> -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
>>>> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
>>>> java_command: start.jar
>>>> Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
>>>> Environment Variables:
>> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/java/bin:/root/bin
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/amd64:/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/../lib/amd64
>>>> SHELL=/bin/bash
>>>> Signal Handlers:
>>>> SIGSEGV: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGBUS: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGFPE: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGPIPE: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGXFSZ: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGILL: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGUSR1: SIG_DFL, sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x00000000
>>>> SIGUSR2: [], sa_mask[0]=0x00000000,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGHUP: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGINT: SIG_IGN, sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x00000000
>>>> SIGTERM: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> SIGQUIT: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff,
>> sa_flags=0x10000004
>>>> ---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------
>>>> OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)
>>>> uname:Linux 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5 #1 SMP Mon Jun 1 15:52:58 EDT 2009
>> x86_64
>>>> libc:glibc 2.5 NPTL 2.5
>>>> rlimit: STACK 10240k, CORE 0k, NPROC infinity, NOFILE 4096, AS infinity
>>>> load average:1.39 0.60 0.56
>>>> CPU:total 8 (4 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 7
>>> stepping
>>>> 6, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3
>>>> Memory: 4k page, physical 16432184k(92220k free), swap
>> 2096472k(2065524k
>>>> free)
>>>> vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b22) for linux-amd64
>> JRE
>>>> (1.6.0_06-b02), built on Mar 25 2008 01:03:02 by "java_re" with gcc
>> 3.2.2
>>>> (SuSE Linux)
>>>> time: Sat Sep 26 00:20:34 2009
>>>> elapsed time: 30852 seconds
>>>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Mark Miller <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jonathan Ariel wrote:
>>>>>> I have around 8M documents.
>>>>> Thats actually not so bad - I take it you are faceting/sorting on
>> quite
>>>>> a few unique fields?
>>>>>> I set up my server to use a different collector and it seems like it
>>>>>> decreased from 11% to 4%, of course I need to wait a bit more because
>>> it
>>>>> is
>>>>>> just a 1 hour old log. But it seems like it is much better now.
>>>>>> I will tell you on Monday the results :)
>>>>> Are you still seeing major collections then? (eg the tenured space
>> hits
>>>>> its limit) You might be able to get even better.
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Mark Miller <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thats a good point too - if you can reduce your need for such a
>> large
>>>>>>> heap, by all means, do so.
>>>>>>> However, considering you already need at least 10GB or you get OOM,
>>> you
>>>>>>> have a long way to go with that approach. Good luck :)
>>>>>>> How many docs do you have ? I'm guessing its mostly FieldCache type
>>>>>>> stuff, and thats the type of thing you can't really side step,
>> unless
>>>>>>> you give up the functionality thats using it.
>>>>>>> Grant Ingersoll wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sep 25, 2009, at 9:30 AM, Jonathan Ariel wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi to all!
>>>>>>>>> Lately my solr servers seem to stop responding once in a while.
>> I'm
>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>> solr 1.3.
>>>>>>>>> Of course I'm having more traffic on the servers.
>>>>>>>>> So I logged the Garbage Collection activity to check if it's
>> because
>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> that. It seems like 11% of the time the application runs, it is
>>>>> stopped
>>>>>>>>> because of GC. And some times the GC takes up to 10 seconds!
>>>>>>>>> Is is normal? My instances run on a 16GB RAM, Dual Quad Core Intel
>>>>> Xeon
>>>>>>>>> servers. My index is around 10GB and I'm giving to the instances
>>> 10GB
>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> RAM.
>>>>>>>>> How can I check which is the GC that it is being used? If I'm
>> right
>>>>> JVM
>>>>>>>>> Ergonomics should use the Throughput GC, but I'm not 100% sure. Do
>>>>>>>>> you have
>>>>>>>>> any recommendation on this?
>>>>>>>> As I said in Eteve's thread on JVM settings, some extra time spent
>> on
>>>>>>>> application design/debugging will save a whole lot of headache in
>>>>>>>> Garbage Collection and trying to tune the gazillion different
>> options
>>>>>>>> available.  Ask yourself:  What is on the heap and does it need to
>> be
>>>>>>>> there?  For instance, do you, if you have them, really need
>> sortable
>>>>>>>> ints?   If your servers seem to come to a stop, I'm going to bet
>> you
>>>>>>>> have major collections going on.  Major collections in a production
>>>>>>>> system are very bad.  They tend to happen right after commits in
>>>>>>>> poorly tuned systems, but can also happen in other places if you
>> let
>>>>>>>> things build up due to really large heaps and/or things like really
>>>>>>>> large cache settings.  I would pull up jConsole and have a look at
>>>>>>>> what is happening when the pauses occur.  Is it a major collection?
>>>>>>>> If so, then hook up a heap analyzer or a profiler and see what is
>> on
>>>>>>>> the heap around those times.  Then have a look at your
>> schema/config,
>>>>>>>> etc. and see if there are things that are memory intensive
>> (sorting,
>>>>>>>> faceting, excessively large filter caches).
>>>>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>>>>> Grant Ingersoll
>>>>>>>> Search the Lucene ecosystem (Lucene/Solr/Nutch/Mahout/Tika/Droids)
>>>>>>>> using Solr/Lucene:
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> - Mark
>>>>> --
>>>>> - Mark

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