hello martijn, thx for the tip, i tried that approach but ran into two
snags, 1. returning the fields makes collapsing a lot slower for
results, but that might just be the nature of iterating large results.
2. it seems like only dupes of records on the first page are returned

or is tehre a a setting im missing? currently im only sending,
collapse.field=brand and collapse.includeCollapseDocs.fl=num_in_stock


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:14 AM, Martijn v Groningen
<martijn.is.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Currently the patch does not do that, but you can do something else
> that might help you in getting your summed stock.
> In the latest patch you can include fields of collapsed documents in
> the result per distinct field value.
> If your specify collapse.includeCollapseDocs.fl=num_in_stock in the
> request nd lets say you collapse on brand then in the response you
> will receive the following xml:
> <lst name="collapsedDocs">
>   <result name="brand1" numFound="48" start="0">
>        <doc>
>          <str name="num_in_stock">2</str>
>        </doc>
>         <doc>
>          <str name="num_in_stock">3</str>
>        </doc>
>      ...
>   </result>
>   <result name=”brand2” numFound=”9” start=”0”>
>      ...
>   </result>
> </lst>
> On the client side you can do whatever you want with this data and for
> example sum it together. Although the patch does not sum for you, I
> think it will allow to implement your requirement without to much
> hassle.
> Cheers,
> Martijn
> 2009/10/1 Matt Weber <m...@mattweber.org>:
>> You might want to see how the stats component works with field collapsing.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt Weber
>> On Sep 30, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Uri Boness wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> At the moment I think the most appropriate place to put it is in the
>>> AbstractDocumentCollapser (in the getCollapseInfo method). Though, it might
>>> not be the most efficient.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Uri
>>> Joe Calderon wrote:
>>>> hello all, i have a question on the field collapsing patch, say i have
>>>> an integer field called "num_in_stock" and i collapse by some other
>>>> column, is it possible to sum up that integer field and return the
>>>> total in the output, if not how would i go about extending the
>>>> collapsing component to support that?
>>>> thx much
>>>> --joe

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