Thanks, Lance, for the quick reply.

Well, unfortunately, we need the highlighting feature on that field, so I think we have to store it.

It's not a big deal, it just seemed like something that would be useful and probably be easy to implement, so I figured I just missed it.

Alternately, is there a way, through solr, to get a list of all the fields that any object could possibly return? I suppose I could just read the schema.xml file and read all the <field> tags, but I'd miss the fields created by <dynamicField>. I'm hoping I can query the index to get that info.

Lance Norskog wrote:
No, there is only "list of fields", star, and score.  You can choose
to index it and not store it, and then have your application fetch it
from the original data store. This is a common system design pattern
to avoid storing giant text blobs in the index.

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Paul Rosen <> wrote:

Is there a way to request all fields in an object EXCEPT a particular one?
In other words, the following pseudo code is what I'd like to express:

req = => page*size, :rows => size,
:query => my_query, :field_list => [ ALL EXCEPT 'text' ])

Is there a way to say that?

I know I could figure out all possible fields and make an array of them, but
that list is likely to change over time and I'm sure to forget to update it.

I need to do that because the text field is not needed and is likely to be
really large so the queries will be much faster if it isn't returned.


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