Chris Hostetter wrote:
: I would expect field:2001-03 to be a hit on a partial match such as
: field:[2001-02-28T00:00:00Z TO 2001-03-13T00:00:00Z].  I suppose that my
: expectation would be that field:2001-03 would be counted once per day for each
: day in its range. It would follow that a user looking for documents relating

...meanwhile someone else might expect that unless the ambiguous date must be entirely contained within the range being queried on.
If implemented in DateField I guess this behaviour would need to be configurable.
(your implication of counting once per day would have pretty weird results on faceting by the way)
I agree. It would be possible to have one document hit on a query but have hundreds of facet categories with a count of one under this scheme. I'm leaning towards the scenario I described where the document would be counted once in an "other" facet category if it is relevant through rounding.
with unambiguous dates, you can have exactly what you want just by being a little more verbose when indexing/quering, (and somoene else can have exactly what they want by being equally verbose using slightly differnet options/queries

in your case: i would suggest that you use two fields: date_low and date_high ... when you have an exact date (down to the smallest level of granularity you care about) you put the same value in both fields, when you have an ambiguous value (like 2001-03) you put the largest value possible in date_high and the lowest value possible in date_low (ie: date_low:2001-03-01T00:00:00Z & date_high:2001-03-31T23:59:59.999Z) then a query for anything *overlapping* the range from feb28 to march 13 would be...

+date_low:[* TO 2001-03-13T00:00:00Z] +date_high:[2001-02-28T00:00:00Z TO *] works for ambiguous dates, and it works for exact dates.

(someone else who only wants to see matches if the ranges *completely* overlap would just swap which end point they queried against which field)
We've had a really similar solution in place for range queries for a while. Our current problem is really faceting.


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