> >   Further without the NRT features present what's the closest I can 
> > expect to real time for the typical use case (obviously this will vary
> > but the average deploy). One hour? One Minute? It seems like there are 
> > a few hacks to get somewhat close. Thanks so much.
> Depends a lot on the nature of the requests and the size of the index,
> but one minute is often doable.
> On a large index that facets on many fields per request, one minute is
> probably still out of reach.

With no facets, what index size is consider, in general, out of reach for
NRT?  Is a 9GB index with 7 million records out of reach?  How about 3GB
with 3 million records?  3GB with 800K records?  This is for 1 min. NRT


-- George

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