A. Steven Anderson wrote:
No thoughts on this? Really!?

I would hate to admit to my Oracle DBE that Solr can't be customized to do a
common query that a relational database can do. :-(

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:01 PM, A. Steven Anderson <
a.steven.ander...@gmail.com> wrote:

I've scoured the archives and JIRA , but the answer to my question is just
not clear to me.

With all the new Solr 1.4 features, is there any way  to do a leading and
trailing wildcard query on an *untokenized* field?

e.g. q=myfield:*abc* would return a doc with myfield=xxxabcxxx

Yes, I know how expensive such a query would be, but we have the user
requirement, nonetheless.

If not, any suggestions on how to implement a custom solution using Solr?
Using an external data structure?

You can use ReversedWildcardFilterFactory that creates additional tokens (in your case, a single additional token :) ) that is reversed, _and_ also triggers the setAllowLeadingWildcards in the QueryParser - won't help much with the performance though, due to the trailing wildcard in your original query. Please see the discussion in SOLR-1321 (this will be available in 1.4 but it should be easy to patch 1.3 to use it).

If you really need to support such queries efficiently you should implement a full permu-term indexing, i.e. a token filter that rotates tokens and adds all rotations (with a special marker to mark the beginning of the word), and a query plugin that detects such query terms and rotates the query term appropriately.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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