
I am looking for alternatives to MySQL fulltext searches.  The combo
Lucene/Solr is one of my options and I'd like to gather as much information
I can before choosing and even build a prototype.

My current need does not seem to be different.

- fast response time (currently some searches can take more than 11sec)
- API to add/update/delete documents to the collection
- way to add synonymous or similar words for misspelled ones (ex. Sony =
- way to define relevance of results (ex. If I search for LCD return
products that belong to the LCD category, contains LCD in the product
definition or ara marked as special offer)

I know that I may have to add external code, for example, to take the
results and apply some business logic to resort the results but I'd like to
know, besides the wiki and the solr 1.4 Enterprise Seacrh Server book (which
I am considering to buy) the tips for solr usage.

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