Nota bene:
My understanding is the external versions of Local Lucene/Solr are eventually 
going to be "deprecated" in favour of what we have in contrib.  Here's a stub 
page with a link to the spatial JIRA issue:

Sematext is hiring --
Lucene, Solr, Nutch, Katta, Hadoop, HBase, UIMA, NLP, NER, IR

----- Original Message ----
> From: Bertie Shen <>
> To:
> Sent: Sat, November 14, 2009 3:32:01 AM
> Subject: Some guide about setting up local/geo search at solr
> Hey,
> I spent some times figuring out how to set up local/geo/spatial search at
> solr. I hope the following description can help  given the current status.
> 1) Download localsolr. I download it from
> and put jar
> file (in my case, localsolr-1.5.jar) in your application's WEB_INF/lib
> directory of application server.
> 2) Download locallucene. I download it from
> and put jar file (in my case,
> locallucene.jar in locallucene_r2.0/dist/ diectory) in your application's
> WEB_INF/lib directory of application server. I also need to copy
> gt2-referencing-2.3.1.jar, geoapi-nogenerics-2.1-M2.jar, and jsr108-0.01.jar
> under locallucene_r2.0/lib/ directory to WEB_INF/lib. Do not copy
> lucene-spatial-2.9.1.jar under Lucene codebase. The namespace has been
> changed from com.pjaol.blah.blah.blah to org.apache.blah blah.
> 3) Update your solrconfig.xml and schema.xml. I copy it from
> 4) Restart application server and try a query
> /solr/select?&qt=geo&lat=xx.xx&long=yy.yy&q=abc&radius=zz.

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