      Is there any article which explains the locks in solr??
there is some info on solrconfig.txt which says that you can set the lock
type to none(NoLockFactory), single(SingleInstanceLockFactory),
NativeFSLockFactory and simple(SimpleFSLockFactory) which locks everytime we
create a new file.
suppose my index dir has the following files:
_2s.fdt, _2t.fnm, _2u.nrm, _2v.tii, _2x.fdt, _2y.fnm, _2z.nrm, _30.tii,
_2s.fdx, _2t.frq, _2u.prx, _2v.tis _2x.fdx, _2y.frq _2z.prx, _30.tis,
_2s.fnm, _2t.nrm, _2u.tii, _2w.fdt _2x.fnm, _2y.nrm _2z.tii, segments_2s,
_2s.frq, _2t.prx, _2u.tis, _2w.fdx _2x.frq, _2y.prx _2z.tis, segments.gen

1.)   I assume for each of these files there is a lock. please correct me if
i am wrong.
2.) what are the different lock types in terms of read/write/updates?
3.) Can we have a document level locking scheme?
4.) we would like to know the best way to handle multiple simulataneous
writes to the index
Thanks a ton,

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