This is somewhat of an odd use-case for MLT. Basically I'm using it for
near-duplicate detection (I'm not using the built in dup detection for a
variety of reasons). While this might sound like an okay idea, the problem
lies in the order of which things happen. Ideally, duplicate detection would
prevent me from adding a document to my index which is already there (or at
least partially there). However, more like this only works on documents
which are *already* in the index. Ideally what I would be able to do is:
post an xml document to solr, and receive a MLT response (the same kind of
MLT response I would recieve had the document been in Solr already, and
queried with id=#{id}&mlt=true).

Is anybody aware of how I could achieve this functionality leveraging
existing handlers? If not I will bump over to solr-dev and see if this is a
tractable problem.

Thanks in advance,

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