On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 11:51 PM, Joel Nylund <jnyl...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> update, I tried changing to datatype string, and it sorts the numerics
> better, but the other sorts are not as good.
> Is there a way to control sorting for special chars, for example, I want
> blanks to sort after letters and numbers.
In the general case, CollationKeyFilterFactory will do the trick. You could
create a custom rule set which sorts spaces after letters and numbers. See

> using alphaOnlySort - sorts nicely for alpha, but numbers dont work
> string - sorts nicely for numbers and letters, but special chars like
> blanks show up first in the list
alphaOnlySort has a PatternReplaceFilterFactory which removes all characters
except a-z. This is the reason behind those wierd results. You could try
removing that filter and see if thats what you need.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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