Something looks wrong... that type of slowdown is certainly not expected.
You should be able to see both the main query and a sub-query in the
logs... could you post an actual example?


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Aleksander Stensby
<> wrote:
> Hi everyone! I've posted a similar question earlier, but in a thread related
> to facets in general, so I thought I'd repost it here as a separate thread.
> I have a faceted search that is very fast when I executed the query on a
> single solr server, but is significantly slower when executed in a
> distributed environment.
> The set-back seem to be in the sharding of our data.. And that puzzles me a
> little bit... I can't really see why SOLR is so slow at doing this.
> The scenario:
> Let's say we have two servers (s1 and s2).
> If i query
> the following:
> q=threadid:33&facet=true&facet.field=author&limit=-1&facet.mincount=0&rows=0
> directly on either server, the response is lightning fast. (<10ms)
> So, in theory I could query them directly, concat the result myself and get
> that done pretty fast.
> But if I introduce the shards parameter, the response time booms to between
> 15000ms and 20000ms!
> shards=s1:8983/solr,s2:8983/solr
> My initial thoughts is that I MUST be doing something wrong here?
> So I try the following:
> Run the query on server s1, with the shards param shards=s1:8983/solr
> response time goes from sub 10ms to between 5000ms and 10000ms!
> Same results if i run the query on s2, and same if i use shards=s2:8983/solr
> Is there really that much overhead in running a distributed facet field
> query with Solr? Anyone else experienced this?
> On the other hand, running regular queries without facet distributed is
> lightning fast... (so can't really see that this is a network problem or
> anything either). - I tried running a facet query on s1 with s1 as the
> shards param, and that is still as slow as if the shards param was pointed
> to a different server...
> Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated! (Would like to avoid
> having to hack together our own solution concatenating results...)
> Cheers,
>  Aleks

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