
Running out of memory because of XML document when indexing documents sounds 
very weird/suspicious.
Are you running out of memory on the server side?
Are you indexing super large batches?
How big is your JVM heap?
How big is your ramBufferSizeMB?

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Solr - Lucene - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: Phil Hagelberg <p...@hagelb.org>
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 5:57:31 PM
> Subject: EmbeddedSolrServer and BinaryRequestWriter
> I'm trying to reduce memory usage when indexing, and I see that using
> the binary format may be a good way to do this. Unfortunately I can't
> see a way to do this using the EmbeddedSolrServer since only the
> CommonsHttpSolrServer has a setRequestWriter method. If I'm running out
> of memory constructing XML request documents, does that mean I just have
> to switch away from the EmbeddedSolrServer?
> I understand I can stream requests if I'm just indexing files already on
> disk, but I'm constructing them on the fly, and I run out of memory
> constructing the XML document to submit to solr, not in actual indexing,
> so it seems writing the document to disk would run into the same problems.
> thanks,
> Phil

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