dismax won't quite give you the same query result. What you can do pretty easily, though, is create a QParser and QParserPlugin pair, register it solrconfig.xml and then use &defType=<name registered>. Pretty straightforward. Have a look at Solr's various QParserPlugin implementations for details.


On Jan 29, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Abin Mathew wrote:

Hi I want to generate my own customized query from the input string entered
by the user. It should look something like this

*Search field : Microsoft*
Generated Query*  :
description:microsoft +((tags:microsoft^1.5 title:microsoft^3.0
role:microsoft requi
rement:microsoft company:microsoft city:microsoft)^5.0) tags:microsoft^2.0
title:microsoft^3.5 functionalArea:microsoft

*The lucene code we used is like this*
BooleanQuery must = new BooleanQuery();

addToBooleanQuery(must, "tags", inputData, synonymAnalyzer, 1.5f);
addToBooleanQuery(must, "title", inputData, synonymAnalyzer);
addToBooleanQuery(must, "role", inputData, synonymAnalyzer);
addToBooleanQuery(query, "description", inputData, synonymAnalyzer);
addToBooleanQuery(must, "requirement", inputData, synonymAnalyzer);
addToBooleanQuery(must, "company", inputData, standardAnalyzer);
addToBooleanQuery(must, "city", inputData, standardAnalyzer);
query.add(must, Occur.MUST);
addToBooleanQuery(query, "tags", includeAll, synonymAnalyzer, 2.0f);
addToBooleanQuery(query, "title", includeAll, synonymAnalyzer, 3.5f);
addToBooleanQuery(query, "functionalArea", inputData, synonymAnalyzer,);
In Simple english*
addToBooleanQuery will add the particular field to the query after analysing
using the analyser mentioned and setting a boost as specified
So there "MUST" be a keyword match with any of the fields
tags,title,role,description,requirement,company,city and it "SHOULD" occur
in the fields tags,title and functionalArea.

Hope you have got an idea of my requirement. I am not asking anyone to do it for me. Please let me know where can i start and give me some useful tips to move ahead with this. I believe that it has to do with modifying the XML configuration file and setting the parameters in Dismax handler. But I am
still not sure. Please help

Thanks & Regards
Abin Mathew

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