
I am (still) trying to get JMX to work. I have finally managed to get a Jetty 
installation running with the right parameters to enable JMX. Now the next 
problem appeared. I need to get Solr to register ist MBeans with the Jetty 
MBeanServer. Using <jmx 
serviceUrl="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:///jettymbeanserver" />, Solr doesn't 
complain on loading, but the MBeans simply don't show up in JConsole, so I 
would like to use <jmx agentId="<agentId>" />. But where do I get the agentId? 
And what exactly does this Id represent? Does it change every time I restart 

Thanks in advance!
Jan-Simon Winkelmann

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