Okay. So we have to leave this question open for now. There might be other 
(more advanced) users that can answer this question. It's for sure, the 
solution we found is not quite good.

In the meantime, I will look for a way to submit a feature request. :)

-------- Original-Message --------
> Datum: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 15:13:49 +0000
> Von: stefan.ma...@bt.com
> An: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Betreff: RE: How to not limit maximum number of documents?

> Yes, I tried the q=<query>&rows=-1 - the other day and gave up
> But as you say it wouldn't help because you might get 
> a) timeouts because you have to wait a 'long' time for the large set of
> results to be returned
> b) exceptions being thrown because you're retrieving too much info to be
> thrown around the system
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