Sven & Yu-Shan - thank you for your advice.

It doesn't seem to work for me for some reason however,
this is what I was trying to get working last night before sending
My message out.

I'll try to explain in more detail what my setup is like.

I use a multiValued text field as a sort of holder for everything else.
Let's call this field "euts" (acronym for everything under the sun).
Nothing is directly stored into this field.
I use about 20 or so copyField's to put everything else into it.
One of the fields I use is "Description", a "text" field.
In this field I'm storing "Friday the 13th", along with other potential
I have a copyField like:
        <copyField source="Description" dest="euts">
The field for euts is:
        <field name="euts" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true"
multiValued="true" />
The field for Description is:
        <field name="Description" type="text" indexed="true"
stored="true" />

The definition for the text type is straight out of the Solr tarball
>From the example/solr/conf directory.  I tried setting catenateAll="1"
And reindexing, but that didn't work.

Btw - My search query effectively looks like "euts:(Friday the 13th)".
I'm just running this through the solr admin page using the Full
(no quotes of course).  This does not match a document that has the
String "Friday the 13th" in its Description.  I've tried it with setting
catenateAll to 1, and the original value of 0.  This is on the index

I've also tried it both ways with the query analyzer (at least I think I
have).  I'm less sure of how the options for the query analyzer should

Also, in the wiki - I found another option for the
WordDelimiterFilterFactory - preserveOriginal.
I tried setting this to 1 with similar results - no match.

And yes, I'm aware that "the" is a stop word and gets thrown away.
That's fine.
After each of these schema.xml changes, I've re-indexed my documents.
It doesn't take long as I'm just working with a small set of about 180
Right now.

Again, any and all help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.
        -Dan Dickey

-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Maurmann [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: Need a bit of help, Solr 1.4: type "text".


the parameter for WordDelimiterFilterFactory is catenateAll;
you should set it to 1.


--On Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010 16:37 -0800 Yu-Shan Fung 
<> wrote:

> Check out the configuration of WordDelimiterFilterFactory in your
> schema.xml.
> Depending on your settings, it's probably tokenizaing 13th into "13"
> "th". You can also have them concatenated back into a single token,
but I
> can't remember the exact parameter. I think it could be catenateAll.
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Dickey, Dan <>
> wrote:
>> I'm using the standard "text" type for a field, and part of the data
>> being indexed is "13th", as in "Friday the 13th".
>> I can't seem to get it to match when I'm querying for "Friday the
>> either quoted or not.
>> One thing that does match is "13 th" if I send the search query with
>> space between...
>> Any suggestions?
>> I know this is short on detail, but it's been a long day... time to
>> outta here.
>> Thanks for any and all help.
>>    -Dan
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> --
> "When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away
> at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing
> it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know
> was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before." - Jacob
> Riis

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