Anyone come up with an answer for this?

I am using the blacklight ruby app and seems to require multiple handlers for 
different styles of queries.

In particular, what I am noticing is that the facet query using q=*:* seems to 
produce a single shard answer.

This query produces 1 result and facets for the single result:
Produces the faceting across the full shard space.

There is a requesthandler for "search" and for "standard"
"search" is defType=dismax, and has a shard parameter set that is identical to 

Searches for actual terms seem to work correctly across both "standard" and 

On 1/21/10 12:05 PM, "Joe Calderon" <> wrote:

thx much, i see now, having request handlers with the same name as the
query parsers was confusing me, i do however have an additional
problem, if i use defType it does indeed use the right query parser
but is there a way to not send all the query parameters in the url
(qf, pf, bf etc), its the main reason im creating the new request
handler, or do i put them all as defaults under my new request handler
and let the query parser use whichever ones it supports?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Yonik Seeley
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Joe Calderon <> wrote:
>> hello *, what is the best way to create a requesthandler for
>> distributed search with a default shards parameter but that can use
>> different query parsers
>> thus far i have
>>  <requestHandler name="/ds" class="solr.SearchHandler">
>>    <!-- default values for query parameters -->
>>     <lst name="defaults">
>>       <str name="fl">*,score</str>
>>       <str name="wt">json</str>
>>       <str 
>> name="shards">host0:8080/solr/core0,host1:8080/solr/core1,host2:8080/solr/core2,localhost:8080/solr/core3</str>
>>    </lst>
>>    <arr name="components">
>>      <str>query</str>
>>      <str>facet</str>
>>      <str>spellcheck</str>
>>      <str>debug</str>
>>    </arr>
>>  </requestHandler>
>> which works as long as qt=standard, if i change it to dismax it doenst
>> use the shards parameter anymore...
> Legacy terminology causing some confusion I think... qt does stand for
> "query type", but it actually picks the request handler.
> "defType" defines the default query parser to use, so you probably
> don't want to be using "qt" at all.
> So try something like:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/ds?defType=dismax&qf=text&q=foo
> -Yonik

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