Hello all,

At some point we will need to re-build an index that totals about 2 terrabytes 
in size (split over 10 shards).  At our current indexing speed we estimate that 
this will take about 3 weeks.  We would like to reduce that time.  It appears 
that our main bottleneck is disk I/O.
 We currently have ramBufferSizeMB set to 32 and our merge factor is 10.  If we 
increase ramBufferSizeMB to 320, we avoid a merge and the 9 disk writes and 
reads to merge 9+1 32MB segments into a 320MB segment.

 Assuming we allocate enough memory to the JVM, would it make sense to increase 
ramBufferSize to 3200MB?   What are people's experiences with very large 
ramBufferSizeMB sizes?

Tom Burton-West
University of Michigan Library

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