Erik Hatcher wrote:
> Ron - I think SOLR-792 meets the need you describe.  What do you think? 
> It's "tree faceting", allowing you to facet down 2 levels deep
> arbitrarily on any two fields.  Ideally we'd enhance it to be of
> arbitrary depth too.

Nice! It certainly handles my main use case.

There are still a couple cases that would benefit from a more
flexible function returning data along with the facets.

In this app, each document represents a crime report describing,
for example, an auto theft.   Those documents have fields such
as the make & model of a car stolen.

In some cases the users would like to see numbers showing
the number of incidents involving cars of those types (which
I think is what Solr returns easily).    Sometimes instead of the
number of documents, they'd rather see the number of cars
involved - for example, if a single theft from a dealership involved
multiple cars.   And other times, they'd rather see the value
of the cars returned.

In SQL I can do a "select sum(value) from incidents join vehicles...",
and haven't (yet) found similar for facets in solr.

Then again, maybe I should be using the database for that part....

> On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:40 PM, Ron Mayer wrote:
>> ....
>>                     Make
>>              FORD  GM  Honda  TOYOTA  [....]
>> MONDAY         17   23   4       2
>> TUESDAY        11   9    174     5
>> WEDNESDAY       3   6    9       1

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