Chris -

Shall I open a JIRA request to add this feature?


2010/3/11 Chris Hostetter <>

> : I'm faceting with a query range (with addFacetQuery) and setting mincount
> to
> : 10 (with setFacetMinCount(10)), but Solr is not respecting this mincount;
> : it's still giving me all responses, even those having less than 10
> retrieved
> : documents.
> if by "all responses" you mean "all facet queries" then that is the
> correct behavior -- facet.mincount is a param that affects facet.field,
> not fact.query.
> The documentation notes this, in that all of the params are divided by
> section...
> ...if you'd like to open a feature request, it would be fairly easy to
> make facet.query (and consider facet.mincount as well.
> -Hoss

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