On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 9:08 PM, KaktuChakarabati <jimmoe...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey,
> I am trying to understand what kind of calculation I should do in order to
> come up with reasonable RAM size for a given solr machine.
> Suppose the index size is at 16GB.
> The Max heap allocated to JVM is about 12GB.
> The machine I'm trying now has 24GB.
> When the machine is running for a while serving production, I can see in
> top
> that the resident memory taken by the jvm is indeed at 12gb.
> Now, on top of this i should assume that if i want the whole index to fit
> in
> disk cache i need about 12gb+16gb = 28GB of RAM just for that. Is this kind
> of calculation correct or am i off here?
Hmmm..not quite. The idea of the ram usage isn't to simply hold the index in
memory - if you want this use a RAMDirectory.
The memory being used will be a combination of various caches (Lucene and
Solr), index buffers et al., and of course the server itself. The specifics
depend very
much on what your server is doing at any given time - e.g. lots of
concurrent searches, lots of indexing, both etc., and how things are setup
in your solrconfig.xml.

A really excellent resource that's worth looking at regarding all this can
be found here:


> Any other recommendations Anyone could make w.r.t these numbers ?
> Thanks,
> -Chak
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://old.nabble.com/Solr-RAM-Requirements-tp27924551p27924551.html
> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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