On 03/19/10 11:18, muneeb wrote:
> Hi,
> I have indexed almost 7 million articles on two separate cores, each with
> their own conf/ and data/ folder, i.e. they have their individual index.
> What I normally do is, use core0 for querying and core1 for any updates and
> once updates are finished i copy the index of core1 to core0's data folder.
> I know this isn't an efficient way of doing this, since this brings a
> downtime on my search service for a couple of minutes. 

And I wonder why do you need two cores. Why don't you just update the
one and only core, and when you send a commit, Solr automatically make
the changes public?

> I was wondering if its possible to switch between cores dynamically (keeping
> my current setup in mind) in such a way that there is no downtime at all
> during switching.

If you really want to stick with two cores, you maybe should create
symbolic links to your data folders. You then only need to remove and
recreate the links when you want to switch cores. You still have a
downtime, but only for a few milliseconds.

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