If description is your field name(say), then you could declare description in 
your schema.xml as non stored by specifying stored=false in the field 
declaration as in 
<field name="description" stored="false">


From: Jean-Sebastien Vachon [mailto:js.vac...@videotron.ca]
Sent: Fri 3/26/2010 1:51 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Excluding field from the results


Is there an easy way to prevent a field from being returned in the response?

we can use fl=field1, field2, field3, ...

but then our software has an option that must trigger the presence or not of a 
field in the response.
So what I'd like to do is tell Solr to return all fields except one.

Does Solr support this?

I imagine the syntax could look like this:

fl=*, -description

Since this is not working, is there any other way of doing this? Otherwise, I 
will have to manage multiple list of fields.


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