:  // a quick hack to get rid of get-file.jsp -- note this still spits out 
invalid HTML
:  out.write( 
"admin-extra.html" ) );
: %>
: Instead of resolving with the core.getName() path ...

the problem isn't that it should resolve relative core.getName(), the 
problem is that it's a static method which uses the static singleton core 
... even if the static method took in a SolrCore as a param, the way 
admin-extras.html use to work is that it depended on the admin-extras.html 
file not being "hidden" in the declaration, and to make that work 
"properly" in multicore the JSP needs to interogate the 
ShowFileRequestHanlder -- but there may be 0, or more then 1.

it's really just a big headache.

: Was trying to avoid building a custom solr.war for this project is there 
: another quick hack to include content for admin backend or is patching 
: the only way?

not at the moment.


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