I'm putting on a talk at Lucene Eurocon 
(http://lucene-eurocon.org/sessions-track1-day2.html#1) on "Practical 
Relevance" and I'm curious as to what people put in practice for testing and 
improving relevance.  I have my own inclinations, but I don't want to muddy the 
water just yet.  So, if you have a few moments, I'd love to hear responses to 
the following questions.

What worked?  
What didn't work?  
What didn't you understand about it?  
What tools did you use?  
What tools did you wish you had either for debugging relevance or "fixing" it?
How much time did you spend on it?
How did you avoid over/under tuning?
What stage of development/testing/production did you decide to do relevance 
tuning?  Was that timing planned or not?


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