Good question, +1 on finding answer, my take ...

Depending on how large of log files you are talking about it might be better 
off to do this w/ HDFS / Hadoop (and a script language like Pig) (or Amazon EMR)

Theoretically you could split the logs to fields, use a dataimporter and search 
/ sort w/ something like LineEntityProcessor.

I've tried to use Solr as a log analytics tool (before dataimporthandler) and 
it was not worth the disk space or practical but I'd love to hear otherwise.  
In general you could flush daily logs to an index but working w/ the data in 
another context if you had to seems better fit for HDFS use (I think).

- Jon

On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:46 PM, Stefan Maric wrote:

> I thought i remembered seeing some information about this, but have been
> unable to find it
> Does anyone know if there is a configuration / module that would allow us to
> setup Solr to take in the (large) log files generated by our web/app
> servers, so that we can query for things like peak time requests or most
> frequently requested web page etc
> Thanks
> Stefan Maric

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