On 5/3/10 9:06 AM, Markus Fischer wrote:

we recently began having trouble with our Solr 1.4 instance. We've about
850k documents in the index which is about 1.2GB in size; the JVM which
runs tomcat/solr (no other apps are deployed) has been given 2GB.

We've a forum and run a process every minute which indexes the new
messages. The number of messages updated are from 0 to 20 messages
average. The commit takes about 1 or two minutes, but usually when it
finished a few seconds later the next batch of documents is processed
and the story starts again.

So actually it's like Solr is running commits all day long and CPU usage
ranges from 80% to 120%.

This continuous CPU usage caused ill effects on other services running
on the same machine.

Our environment is being providing by a company purely using VMWare
infrastructure, the Solr index itself is on an NSF for which we get some
33MB/s throughput.

So, an easy solution would be to just put more resources into it, e.g. a
separate machine. But before I make the decision I'd like to find out
whether the app behaves properly under this circumstances or if its
possible to shorten the commit time down to a few seconds so the CPU is
not drained that long.

thanks for any pointers,

- Markus

That is certainly not a normal commit time for an index of that size.

Note that Solr 1.4 can have issues when working on NFS, but I don't know that it would have anything to do with this.

Are you using the simple lock factory rather than the default native lock factory? (as you should do when running on NFS)

- Mark


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