Thanks Hoss. Please see the query results as follows:
> : <result name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/>
> : <lst name="debug">
> :  <lst name="queryBoosting">
> :   <str name="q">productType:ProductBean</str>
> :   <null name="match"/>
> :  </lst>
> ...can you please disable the QueryElevationComponent and see if that 
> changes things?
> :  <str name="parsedquery_toString">productType:ProductBean</str>
> What are the numFound values for these queries? (both with and w/o 
> QueryElevationComponent) ...

With QueryElevationComponent enabled, the following query found 714 docs, with 
it disabled, it also returned 714 docs.
>    /admin/select?q=productType:[*+TO+*]&rows=0

With QueryElevationComponent enabled, the following query found 714 docs, with 
it disabled,  it returned 714 docs as well.

>    /admin/select?q=*:*&rows=0

> Also what does this request return...
>    /admin/luke?fl=productType&numTerms=100

With QueryElevationComponent enabled, the query above returned the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<lst name="responseHeader">
 <int name="status">0</int>
 <int name="QTime">16</int>
<lst name="index">
 <int name="numDocs">714</int>
 <int name="maxDoc">714</int>

 <int name="numTerms">22595</int>
 <long name="version">1273612300404</long>
 <bool name="optimized">true</bool>
 <bool name="current">true</bool>
 <bool name="hasDeletions">false</bool>

 <date name="lastModified">2010-05-11T21:12:36.511Z</date>
<lst name="fields">
 <lst name="productType">
  <str name="type">string</str>
  <str name="schema">I-S----OF----l</str>
  <str name="index">I-S----O-----</str>
  <int name="docs">714</int>

  <int name="distinct">1</int>
  <lst name="topTerms">
        <int name="ProductBean     ">714</int>
  <lst name="histogram">
        <int name="1">0</int>
        <int name="2">0</int>

        <int name="4">0</int>
        <int name="8">0</int>
        <int name="16">0</int>
        <int name="32">0</int>
        <int name="64">0</int>
        <int name="128">0</int>

        <int name="256">0</int>
        <int name="512">0</int>
        <int name="1024">1</int>
<lst name="info">
 <lst name="key">

  <str name="I">Indexed</str>
  <str name="T">Tokenized</str>
  <str name="S">Stored</str>
  <str name="M">Multivalued</str>
  <str name="V">TermVector Stored</str>
  <str name="o">Store Offset With TermVector</str>

  <str name="p">Store Position With TermVector</str>
  <str name="O">Omit Norms</str>
  <str name="L">Lazy</str>
  <str name="B">Binary</str>
  <str name="C">Compressed</str>
  <str name="f">Sort Missing First</str>

  <str name="l">Sort Missing Last</str>
 <str name="NOTE">Document Frequency (df) is not updated when a document is 
marked for deletion.  df values include deleted documents.</str>

> ...note: i'm not just interested in the terms, i'm also curious about 
> numDocs, maxDoc, and hasDeletions.
> -Hoss

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