Hi All

I am using "dismax" query to fetch docs from solr where I have set some
boost to the each fields,


If I search for query "Rock" I get following docs with some boost value
which I have specified,


  <float name="score">19.494072</float>
  <int name="bitrate">120</int>
  <str name="content">mp3</str>
  <str name="genre">Rock</str>
  <str name="id">1</str>
  <str name="name">st name 1</str>
  <float name="score">19.494052</float>
  <int name="bitrate">248</int>
  <str name="content">aac+</str>
  <str name="genre">Rock</str>
  <str name="id">2</str>
  <str name="name">st name 2</str>
  <float name="score">19.494042</float>
  <int name="bitrate">127</int>
  <str name="content">aac+</str>
  <str name="genre">Rock</str>
  <str name="id">3</str>
  <str name="name">st name 3</str>
  <float name="score">19.494032</float>
  <int name="bitrate">256</int>
  <str name="content">mp3</str>
  <str name="genre">Rock</str>
  <str name="id">4</str>
  <str name="name">st name 5</str>

I am looking for something below What is the best way to achieve them ?

1. Query=rock where content= mp3 where it should return only first and
last docs where content=mp3

2. Query=rock where bitrate<128 where it should return only first and
third docs where bitrate<128



Thanks in advance


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