Hi guys/gals,


I am using apache-solr-1.4.0.war deployed to glassfishv3 on my development 
machine which is Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit.  I am using Solrj 1.4 using the 
CommonsHttpSolrServer connection to that Solr instance 
(http://localhost:8080/apache-solr-1.4.0) during my development.  To simplify 
things however, I have found that I can duplicate my issue directly from Solr 
example admin page so for ease of confirmation, I will use the Solr Example 
Admin page for this example:


I deployed the apache-solr-1.4.0/dist/apache-solr-1.4.0.war file to my 
glassfishv3 application server.  It deploys successfully.  I access 
http://localhost:8080/apache-solr-1.4.0/admin/form.jsp and enter into 
"Solr/Lucene Statement" textarea this word:


numéro      (Note the é)


When I check the server.log file, I see this:


INFO: [] webapp=/apache-solr-1.4.0 path=/select 
 hits=0 status=0 QTime=16 


As well, the output from the Admin system is with the same incorrect decoding.




In my SolrJ using application, I have a test case which queries for "numéro" 
and succeeds if I use Embedded and fails if I use CommonsHttpSolrServer... I 
don't want to use embedded for a number of reasons including that its not 
recommended (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/EmbeddedSolr)


I am sorry if you'd dealt with this issue in the past, I've spent a few hours 
googling for solr utf-8 query and glassfishv3 utf-8 uri  plus other 
permutations/combinations but there were seemingly endless amounts of chaff 
that I couldn't find anything useful after scouring it for a few hours.  I 
can't decide whether it's a glassfish issue or not so I am not sure where to 
direct my energy.  Any tips or advice are appreciated! 


Thanks in advance,


Tim Gilbert

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