On May 26, 2010, at 3:49 AM, Jörg Agatz wrote:
is the Textfield Single instance? how can i make it?

I'm not sure what you're asking. You can have as many "text" fields as you like, or as many of any other type as well.

In textfield indext the Word :

if i search
"Hallo" i found
"hallo" i found
"Hall*" i dont
"hall*" i found

But some user will search "Hall*"

Wildcard queries do not get analyzed, and thus the case stays the same as the original query. Lowercase the query string before sending it to Solr if you need to support Hall* queries.

One more little Question i have...

The Difference from "text", "string", "textgen" ect..
Where i can sort, where i can search ect.

i do not found a list of carakter of each type.

Pick up a copy of Lucid's Solr reference guide to have handy: <http://www.lucidimagination.com/Downloads/LucidWorks-for-Solr/Reference-Guide > and start tinkering with Solr's analysis page, which you'll find at http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/analysis.jsp - that tool will let you see how various field types index your text.


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