I'm painfully new to Solr so please be gentle if my suggestion is terrible!

Could you use highlighting to do this? Take the first n results from a query 
and show their highlights, customizing the highlights to show the desired 
number of words.

Just a thought.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Hill [mailto:jayallenh...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 4:02 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Auto-suggest internal terms

I've got a situation where I'm looking to build an auto-suggest where any
term entered will lead to suggestions. For example, if I type "wine" I want
to see suggestions like this:

french *wine* classes
*wine* book discounts
burgundy *wine*


I've tried some tricks with shingles, but the only solution that worked was
pre-processing my queries into a core in all variations.

Anyone know any tricks to accomplish this in Solr without doing any custom


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