Dear list,

this sounds stupid, but how to get a full working copy of SOLR?

What I have tried so far:
- started with LucidWorks SOLR. Installs fine, runs fine but has an old tika 
  and can only handle some PDFs.

- changed to SOLR trunk. Installs fine, runs fine but luke 1.0.1 argues about
  "Unknown format version: -10". I guess because luke 1.0.1 compiles with
  lucene-core-3.0.1.jar but trunk has lucene-core-4.0-dev.jar ???
  Anyway, no luck with this version.

- changed to SOLR branch_3x. Installs fine, runs fine, luke works fine but
  the extraction with /update/extract (ExtractingRequestHandler) only replies
  the metadata but not the content.
  No luck with this version.

Is there any full working recent copy at all?

Or a luke working with SOLR trunk?


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