
I have an architectural question about using apache solr/lucene.

I'm building a solr index for searching a CV database. Basically every CV on
there will have some fields like:

rate of pay, address, title

these fields are straight forward. The area I need advise on is, skills and
job history. For skills, someone might add an entry like: Ruby - 5 Years,
Java - 9 Years


    John Smith
        Java, 5 Years
        Sql, 4 Years
        Lucene, 1 Year
        1998-2004 Acme Search Ltd, Senior Java Developer, New York City, US
        2004-2009 Software Labs Ltd, Technical Architect, San Francisco, CA,

So there's essentially N number of skills, each with a string name and a int
no of years. I was thinking I could use a dynamic field, *_skill, and
possibly add them like so:

1_skill: Ruby, 2_skill: Java

But how can I index the years experience? would I then add a dynamic field

1_skill_years: 5, 2_skill_years: 9

How would i fit these into the index?
Any help greatly appreciated?


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