In your query 'query="SELECT webtable as wt FROM ncdat_wt WHERE 
featurecode='${ncdat.feature}'  .. instead of ${ncdat.feature} use
${dataTable.feature}  where dataTable is your parent entity name.




From: Shawn Heisey-4 [via Lucene]
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 2:24 PM
To: caman
Subject: DIH and denormalizing


I am trying to do some denormalizing with DIH from a MySQL source.   
Here's part of my data-config.xml: 

<entity name="dataTable" pk="did" 
       query="SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(post_date) as pd FROM ncdat WHERE 
did > ${dataimporter.request.minDid} AND did <= 
${dataimporter.request.maxDid} AND (did % 
${dataimporter.request.numShards}) IN (${dataimporter.request.modVal})"> 
<entity name="ncdat_wt" 
         query="SELECT webtable as wt FROM ncdat_wt WHERE 

The relationship between features in ncdat and webtable in ncdat_wt (via 
featurecode) will be many-many.  The "wt" field in schema.xml is set up 
as multivalued. 

It seems that ${ncdat.feature} is not being set.  I saw a query 
happening on the server and it was "SELECT webtable as wt FROM ncdat_wt 
WHERE featurecode=''" - that last part is an empty string with single 
quotes around it.  From what I can tell, there are no entries in ncdat 
where feature is blank.  I've tried this with both a 1.5-dev checked out 
months ago (which we are using in production) and a 3.1-dev checked out 

Am I doing something wrong? 



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