On Jul 6, 2010, at 8:27am, osocurious2 wrote:

Someone else was recently asking a similar question (or maybe it was you but
worded differently :) ).

Putting user level security at a document level seems like a recipe for pain. Solr/Lucene don't do frequent update well...and being highly optimized for query, I don't blame them. Is there any way to create a series of roles that you can apply to your documents? If the security level of the document isn't changing, just the user access to them, give the docs a role in the
index, put your user/usergroup stuff in a DB or some other system and
resolve your user into valid roles, then FilterQuery on role.

You're right, baking in too fine-grained a level of security information is a bad idea.

As one example that worked pretty well for code search with Krugle, we set access control on a per project level using LDAP groups - ie each project had some number of groups that were granted access rights. Each file in the project would inherit the same list of groups.

Then, when a user logs in they get authenticated via LDAP, and we have the set of groups they belong to being returned by the LDAP server. This then becomes a fairly well-bounded list of "terms" for an OR query against the "acl-groups" field in each file/project document. Just don't forget to set the boost to 0 for that portion of the query :)

-- Ken

Ken Krugler
+1 530-210-6378
e l a s t i c   w e b   m i n i n g

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