I used this before my search term and it works well:

{!boost b=recip(ms(NOW,publishdate),3.16e-11,1,1)}

Its enough that when I search for *:* the articles appear in
chronological order.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [mailto:s...@elyograg.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:47 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: date boosting and dismax

  I've started a couple of previous threads on this topic, but I did not

have a good date field in my index to use at the time.  I now have a 
schema with the document's post_date in tdate format, so I would like to

actually do some implementation.  Right now, we are not doing relevancy 
ranking at all - we sort by descending post_date.  We have been working 
on our application code so we can switch to dismax and use relevancy, 
but it's still important to have a small bias towards newer content.

The idea is nothing this list hasn't heard before - to give newer 
documents a slight relevancy boost.  An important sub-goal is to ensure 
that the adjustment doesn't render Solr's caches useless.  I'm thinking 
that this means that at a minimum, I need to round dates to a resolution

of 1 day, but if it's doable, 1 week might be even better.  I do like 
the idea of having different boosts for different time ranges.

Can anyone give me a starting point on how to do this?  I will need 
actual URL examples and dismax configuration snippets.


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