this is not very clear, if you need to query only keyphrase, why don't you
query directly it? e.g. q=keyphrase:hotel ?
Furthermore, why dismax if only keyphrase field is of interest? dismax is
used to query multiple fields automatically.

At least dismax do not appear in your query (using query type). It is set in
your config for your default request handler?

2010/7/20 Chamnap Chhorn <chamnapchh...@gmail.com>

> I wonder how could i make a query to return only *all books* that has
> keyphrase "web development" using dismax handler? A book has multiple
> keyphrases (keyphrase is multivalued column). Do I have to pass q
> parameter?
> Is it the correct one?
> http://locahost:8081/solr/select?&q=hotel&fq=keyphrase:%20hotel
> --
> Chhorn Chamnap
> http://chamnapchhorn.blogspot.com/

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