Ouch! Absolutely correct - quoting the URL fixed it. Thanks for saving me a
sleepless night!

cheers - rene

2010/7/26 Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> : However, when I'm trying this very URL with curl within my (perl) script,
> I
> : receive a NullPointerException:
> : CURL-COMMAND: curl -sL
> :
> http://localhost:8983/solr/select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=*&fq=ListId%3A881&start=0&rows=0&fl=*%2Cscore&qt=standard&wt=standard
> it appears you aren't quoting the URL, so that first "&" character  is
> causing the shell to think yo uare done with the command, and you want it
> to be backgrounded (allthough i'm not certain, since it depends on how you
> are having perl execute curl)
> i would suggest that you avoid exec/system calls to "curl" from Perl, and
> use an LWP::UserAgent instead.
> -Hoss

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