
You can try Tika command line to parse your Excel file, then you will se the 
exact textual output from it, which will be indexed into Solr, and thus inspect 
whether something is missing.

Are you sure you use a version of Luke which supports your version of Lucene?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
Training in Europe - www.solrtraining.com

On 11. aug. 2010, at 23.33, Harry Hochheiser wrote:

> I'm trying to use Solr to index the contents of an Excel file, using
> the ExtractingRequestHandler (CSV handler won't work for me - I need
> to consider the whole spreadsheet as one document), and I'm running
> into some trouble.
> Is there any way to see what's going on during the indexing process?
> I'm concerned that I may be losing some terms, and I'd like to see if
> i can snoop on the terms that are added to the index as they go along.
> How might I do this?
> Barring that, how can I inspect the index post-fact?  I have tried to
> use luke to see what's in the index, but I get an error: "Unknown
> format version -10". Is it possible to get luke to work?
> My solr build is straight out of SVN.
> thanks,
> harry

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