We pretty much had the same issue, ended up customizing the ExtendedDismax

In your case its just a change of a single line
        addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields2, 2,
 tiebreaker, pslop);
        addShingledPhraseQueries(query, normalClauses, phraseFields2, 2,
 tiebreaker, 0);


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Ron Mayer <r...@0ape.com> wrote:

> Short summary:
>   Is there any way I can specify that I want a lot
>   of phrase slop for the "pf" parameter, but none
>   at all for the "pf2" parameter?
> I find the 'pf' parameter with a pretty large 'ps' to do a very
> nice job for providing a modest boost to many documents that are
> quite well related to many queries in my system.
> In contrast, I find the 'pf2' parameter with zero 'ps' does
> extremely well at providing a high boost to documents that
> are often exactly what someone's searching for.
> Is there any way I can get both effects?
> Edismax's pf2 parameter is really nice for boosting exact phrases
> in queries like 'black jacket red cap white shoes'.   But as soon
> as even a little phrase slop (ps) is added, it seems like it starts
> boosting documents with red jackets and white caps just as much as
> those with black jackets and red caps.
> My gut feeling is that if I could have "pf" with a large phrase
> slop and the pf2 with zero phrase slop, it'd give me better overall
> results than any single phrase slop setting that gets applied to both.
> Is there any good way for me to test that?
>  Thanks,
>   Ron

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