If you want to change the schema on the live index, make sure you do a 
compatible change, as Solr does not do any type checking or schema change 

I would ADD a field with another name for the tint field.
Unfortunately you have to re-index to have an index built on this field.
May I suggest that you start re-feeding a portion of the index every day until 
finished. Use large batches between each commit(), and make sure to run an 
optimize every copule of days to get rid of "dead meat".

If you simply do not have the orignial data for refeed, perhaps it is possible 
to extract all string values offline from the index and somehow rebuild the 
index offline?

Andrzej, is that possible?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
Training in Europe - www.solrtraining.com

On 18. aug. 2010, at 11.12, Karthik K wrote:

> Thanks Mark. Yeah, storing it as 'tint' would be quite efficient.As i cannot
> re-index the massive data, please let me know if the changes i make in
> schema reflect to the already indexed data? I am not  sure how type checking
> happens in solr.
> You can then do a facet query, specifying your desired ranges as one facet
> query for each range.
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#Facet_by_Range says its
> not implemented yet.
> Please let me know if there is any workaround in my case.
> Thanks,
> Karthik

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